Thought I would post the latest pictures of the weekend that we all got spanked by Lauren at Shang-hi Rummy. Kendall was not feeling well which hopefully will explain why she looks like white trash in this picture. Mason and Jordan had a blast and he's been talking about him ever since.. we definitely need to do it again soon!!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
weekend 'o cards
Thought I would post the latest pictures of the weekend that we all got spanked by Lauren at Shang-hi Rummy. Kendall was not feeling well which hopefully will explain why she looks like white trash in this picture. Mason and Jordan had a blast and he's been talking about him ever since.. we definitely need to do it again soon!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Where to next year???
There has been a few questions recently about where we should spend next MLK day (aka: Mayfield Christmas)? Mainly- I'm wondering who has an opinion out there.......
Does anyone want to try Chattanooga or is everyone fine with the luxurious abode of Timberlake???
Does anyone want to try Chattanooga or is everyone fine with the luxurious abode of Timberlake???
Monday, November 06, 2006
Gatlinburg trip is a go!

It is final! We are going to Gatlinburg for the MLK weekend. Most people have already put in there money. The best we can figure, each person will owe about $40 for both nights. Make your checks payable to Jeff Kendrick. Any questions????
Mom and Dad went and saw the joint last week. They said that it isn't new, but it will be fine for what we plan on doing. Said that it is away from everyone else - which i think is a good thing.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Garage sale a huge success

Last weekend, Mimi, Debbie, and Vicki had a garage sale. It was a very successful 2 days. Mimi and Grandaddy sold over $700 (including the "big george"), Debbie sold $200, and Vicki sold $40! (that didn't even pay for the gas to come from Ga) I entered several very classy pieces, including a coconut monkey. My homemade pottery didn't sale, but also were NOT given to the Hannah house. I have a feeling we may see them again in Gatlinburg.
Jonathan did really well. He loved the dirt and the people. He also had a great time throwing his cheerios onto the garage floor and eating them before we could stop him. We tried to keep the basket of softballs away from him b/c of all the crystal that Mimi was selling. It was hard- he was only distracted by the round trampoline that Mimi (and all of us) used to exercise on. (it later sold).
Elizabeth showed up in time to eat dinner on Friday and lunch on Saturday. She tried to help with the cleanup, but was told to go look for garage sale signs to remove while the others cleaned. I had to go with her in order to keep her from getting into more trouble. She had already locked her keys in her car once that weekend (and had to borrow Mom's lexus- how convenient).
Rebecca and Derek came late Friday night and were a great help on Sat. (well- Derek was- Reb was just sort of there to add trouble and crack jokes) They got to stay until Sun afternoon.
We even got to visit with Emma when she came by on Sat.
I have heard that there are more of you cousins out there, but I'm really not sure. Make a comment and let us hear from you!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Gatlinburg anyone?

I am trying to break the long-standing tradition of waiting until the last minute to plan any trips for our family. Mimi, Mom (Vicki), and I have come up with some ideas for the Mayfield Christmas. Yes- we are still planning on having Debbie cook Spaghetti, but we thought maybe we should rent a house for the weekend of New Years (Dec. 30-Jan. 1). I have had a great time trying to find us a place. They make me laugh b/c the huge ones (sleeping 14-26) all have the title "luxury" attached! Our family is anything but that!
So- we have created a blog to keep us updated on each others' lives. For example: Trey has finally found a woman with the guts to say "Yes" to becoming his bride. We are really happy for him. Wedding is Dec. 16 and your participation is requested. (Shoes are not optional :for my Alabama cousins) Let us know what is going on in your life! Post away!!!!
PS- while the "Trey Times" and the "Dewey Gazette" were popular titles for this blog, "Grandaddy wears pantyhose" won by a landslide! If you have a better suggestion, please let us know b/c while this is the first edition (of "GWP"), we may have to change if our beloved Grandaddy takes offense. (pictures of Grandaddy in actual pantyhose would be greatly appreciated)
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